TransAct Hope has two new mobile homes for sale or rent. Both are manufactured by Champion Homes.
The homes are located in Wellspring Park, 2501 Nebel St Stevens Point WI.
Lot 601 is a two bedroom, two bath unit, 14 feet wide by 48 feet long. Appliances are included. This unit is for sale for $55,000. Lot rent is currently $320 per month plus water and garbage. The home will rent for $950 per month. Utilities are not included.
Lot 602 is a three bedroom, two bath unit, 14 feet wide by 60 feet long. Appliances are included. This unit is for sale for $75,000. Lot rent is currently $320 per month plus water and garbage. The home will rent for $1,100 per month. Utilities are not included.
If you are interested in purchasing or renting one of these homes, please contact Ann Gibbs Glazer, (715) 343-0559 or directortransacthope@gmail.com

Transact Hope also has a 14 X 60 2 bedroom 2 bath 1973 Artcraft Catalina for sale for $25,000.